What our Families Say

"My kids have come so far in the last few months! The Nursery staff have done an amazing job with my youngest - it's really helped getting him into a routine and helped him come a long way with his eating as he struggled at first! It's also so nice to see him finally want to interact with things.

And my oldest has improved massively...he no longer cries at drop off, but is happy to go see his friends. It's so nice to see him happy and to have learned a bit more about how to express himself. He loves talking about the Pre-School team and every time I've had to leave him and he was a tad upset they have been amazing at hand over! Thank you to all of you who helped my children settle and thrive."

- Pre-School Parent, Coombe Dingle, July 2024

"I am confident that the staff are qualified but also more than qualified. They are such lovely people who really care about your children. I have never had any doubt leaving my child even from day one. He has a great time every day."

Nursery Parent, Coombe Dingle - May 2024

"I feel like the children are really seen and taken seriously here. Their feelings are valued and talked about and they are helped to navigate difficult situations. They are being treated kindly and compassionately and they copy this behaviour with their friends/families."

Kindergarten Parent, Downend - February 2024

"Lovely positive role models as staff. They show children how to interact with each other.
Red Bus feels like a family."

Nursery Parent - February 2024

"The life skills and teamwork that is incorporated into their days - e.g. tidying up, learning to put on own clothes. I’ve seen our daughter’s independence grow as a result of this.

She will also point out when we watch TV or read books what the characters’ emotions are, which I think has also come from Red Bus."

Pre-School Parent - February 2024

"The thing that sold [Red Bus] to us particularly was the balance between it being a big enough nursery to be able to boast excellent facilities, particularly the outdoor space and separate dining hall (which many other nurseries did not have) but also small enough that we felt our child would be well looked after and nurtured as an individual. And it has never failed to disappoint.

Overall, our son has had a really special time at Red Bus and it is a testament to all the staff that he has run in happily every day throughout his time there. I have always felt so lucky to have found a place where my child genuinely loves going and I honestly cannot think of a day when my son hasn’t been excited to be coming."

Pre-School Parent - July 2023

"We transitioned from a different setting and I was a little bit nervous that the change would affect my daughter negatively; but, from the moment she started at Red Bus, the staff were so warm and welcoming that she settled in so well and so quickly... Thank you so much for all the love, help, and essentially the co-parenting!"

Pre-School Parent - July 2023

"My child has thrived at Red Bus and I'm sad to see her leave for school. All the staff (and I mean ALL) are exceptional and have worked so hard with each and every child.
I wish Red Bus could continue until they were sixteen!"

Pre-School Parent - July 2023

"I have always been reassured by the professionalism of every member of staff that my son is in safe hands and learning lots along the way...I think you all do an amazing job and it is obvious how hard you work to create a safe and happy environment for the children."

Pre-School Parent - August 2023

"Staff are always friendly, helpful and approachable and build meaningful relationships with children and their parents. Both of my children have thrived there and were more than ready for school by the time they left Pre-School.

Both children have loved all of the outdoor play areas, the art rooms, the opportunity to do woodwork, baking, music, yoga etc the list goes on. We will miss everyone at Red Bus and would thoroughly recommend this setting to other parents."

-Pre-School Parent, August 2023

"As a practitioner myself, I understand the parent anxieties of leaving your child in a new setting for an entire day. As a parent as well now, I just wanted to point out how thorough & professional you have all been at making me feel at ease about leaving her & answering any questions I’ve had so far."

- Nursery Parent, September 2023

"The staff that look after our daughter are always so friendly and welcoming and clearly work so hard at what they do.... They are so professional and share such detail and enthusiasm when talking about our child’s experiences and wellbeing."

Kindergarten Parent, Flax Bourton - September 2023

"It’s been a long time since he started, but I just remember not being worried about it, knowing that our son was being looked after by a great team of very experienced, friendly, caring and professional people.

I hadn’t felt able to leave him with anyone before, he started nursery, but they made me feel very relaxed and I could see how relaxed and happy our son was."

Kindergarten Parent, Coombe Dingle - November 2023

“Your Ethos and showing us on the tour that you care about the development of all the children, this nursery was exceptional above all nurseries we viewed.

I knew from the tour that my special boy would receive the best care, development and support, all the staff were so welcoming and kind my boy took to all of them.”

–  Nursery Parent, Downend, January 2024

“As well as the considered approach to early years and dedicated staff, I really liked the setting of the building and the facilities available. I like that the room has large windows so there is natural light coming in, and that there is so much for my little one to explore between the different free-flow rooms. I really love that there is an indoor slide and two gardens.”

Nursery Parent, Downend - January 2024