This week in Nursery, some of us learned a new skill which was buttering our own toast! We sat at the table and put our hair nets on, the adults placed a slice of toast onto our plate, and handed us a knife, encouraging us to gather the butter from the tub to spread over the yummy toast!
Also in Nursery this week we have been interested in insects which we have had a variety of activities on the rooftop garden. We used magnifying glasses to search for the different insects hidden in the mud! We also went into the garden and went on an insect hunt, the adults found lots of ladybugs crawling on the wooden fence. We gathered around and then the adults talked about the colours and spots they had.
To finish off this week we went into the garden, we used our fine motor skills and we went through the tunnel and said Boo to our friends and adults waiting at the other end of the tunnel for us!
This week in Kindergarten we took a trip to the park! We enjoyed the walk to and from the park, looking at all our surroundings. We explored the different play equipment using our gross motor skills.
There were swings, a roundabout, a slide and so much more! We also enjoyed a yummy picnic at the park. In the garden we have continued to enjoy learning about bugs this week, we explored the garden for bugs and found lots of ladybugs which tickled our hands as we helped them and they crawled up our arms!
We have had lots of exciting activities on our tuff tray this week. This included an activity with frogs, we sang 5 speckled frogs with the adults. We got the frogs to hop across the stones into the water! Another fun activity was shaving foam, paint, and fly swatters! We would hit the shaving foam and watch all the pretty colours. We did a bit of mark-making with some cars, we would push the cars through the paint creating tyre marks on the paper!
We planted some runner beans a while ago, and we have watched them grow, watering them and even transferring them into bigger pots to make sure they grew bigger! This week we were able to pick them, the adults supported us in picking the runner beans, we took them to the kitchen to get them washed and cooked, and we had them with our tea and they were very yummy!
Outside this week we have had lots of fun activities in the tuff tray. We had arctic animals, white tissue paper, blue paper, water, and shaving foam! We explored the tray with the animals, feeling the foam between our fingers, and also did lots of splashing as well which made us giggle!
This week in Pre-School has been wonderful!
We have been doing lots of mark-making by using paint and pens, inside and outside! In the garden, we decided to get some big card and use different materials to create lots of patterns. We used our hands, brushes, and even mops! We have also been very busy with the loose parts in the garden this week, from building hotels to towers and cars!
Bug hunting has been a favourite this week as there have been many finds of ladybugs! We decided to do a Tuff Tray of bug hunting! They used magnifying glasses to find the “creepy crawlies” hidden in the tray!
In the sandpit area, we have been cleaning the walls and windows with big paintbrushes and water! We made a fruit salad for our snack, we chopped up all the different fruits, bananas, grapes, strawberries, apples, and pineapple. Also this week we got some new resources, we were learning to sew!
To end the week in Pre-school we went and got onto a bus and went to Ashton Gate, we did some climbing, running, hiding and even learning some historical facts! Once we arrived back to Pre-School we did a show and tell for all our friends.
Well Done Pre-School!