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w/c 6th May 2024
This Week at Flax Bourton


This week in Flax Bourton the sun is shining and it's becoming much warmer which is fantastic news! We have been spending lots time outside exploring in the big garden, we have been practicing our balancing skills with some help from the adults we concentrate really hard taking each little step till we get to the end. We been helping to water all the pretty flowers we have grown around the garden using the watering can independently.

Back in the nursery room in the construction area we have been building tunnels for the animals to go through, we are able to independently move each animal through while making each different sound.

We been practicing our mark making skills on both the chalk board and paper - we choose what colour we want and hold the crayon or chalk in the desired hand moving it around and up and down to make a beautiful picture.

Some us are learning new skills at nursery now which is moving up the steps to the baby gym - we are very happy with ourselves when we make it up and over the bridge to the slide with big smiles for all the adults!

Some of the smaller babies are learning how to move over to a new fascinating toys that has bubbles that move with some encouragement from the adults we make it over to play.

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This week in Kindergarten w have had a lovely, sunny week where we have spent tonnes of time in the garden! The children have enjoyed looking around and seeing what bugs they can spot. We have looked on the the tree trunks, on leaves that have fallen, on the fence and we
have even found bugs on our toys! We found a teeny tiny caterpillar on our outside xylophone. The caterpillar crawled onto our hands! We made sure we were super gentle so we didn't hurt the caterpillar and let it crawl off our hands when it wanted to.

We have had loads of new mud put in our mud kitchen! It has been the perfect weather this week to be exploring our mud kitchen so the children have spent lots of time here. The children have been helping each other with their cooking creations, taking it in turns to mix the pot and finding smaller pots to pour it into! The children have also explored the microwave in our mud kitchen! They have been turning the dial so it makes a ping noise, getting it out the microwave and then serving their yummy food.

On the decking, we had a seaside and boat set up! The children enjoyed steering the steering wheel, pretending the boat was going in different directions. We spoke about what boats are used for, how they even transport our food across the sea and that people go on holiday on boats! The children have been in the sandpit lots, creating
sandcastles and also finding the hidden sea animals in the sand. We also used our water pump in the courtyard. The children all found buckets and filled them up with water, filling the bottom on the water pump. The children discovered that if they pushed it really fast, it would splash their friend on the other side! Everyone found this
super funny and the water was lovely and refreshing.

We have spent some time inside this week though! The children's interest of bubbles has continued this week so we set up a messy tray with colourful foam. The children spoke about how it felt between their fingers and giggled lots as it was messy! We thought it smelt really nice and enjoyed holding our messy hands up to the adults!

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This week in Pre-School has been very eventful! We have been doing lots of activities involving nature and being outside. Katie had made an obstacle course that included balancing on the beam, jumping through the hoopla hoops and diving under the net!

Pre-School has taken a large interest in plants this week and how to keep them growing. We have discussed that to keep a plant growing and healthy you need water (or rain) and sunshine. Because there's been plenty of sunshine this week the plants needed watering so the children of pre school watered the plants and an amazing job of it too!

The mud kitchen has been a favourite this week too. We have been making so many feasts such as mud pies, cakes and mud cookies! We have also been exploring the small creatures that have been in the garden. We have found woodlouse, bumble bees, spiders and many more! We have been very involved in mark making. By spending so much time outside, we have bought more chalk and day by day, Pre-School have decorated the garden floor! Well done pre school for an amazing week. We hope you all have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!

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