KG (9)

w/c 29th April 2024
This Week at Flax Bourton


This week at Red Bus Nursery we started the week by exploring an under-the-sea activity in the tuff tray! We sat with the adults as they helped us to grab some gloop which was coloured blue. Some of us were able to repeat the colours and animals we could see, we moved the animals around making foot prints in the gloop. Our hands need a good wash after!

In the nursery room we have lots of vegetables that we are growing in our special pots high on the window sills. With some help from the adults, we can spray some water which they need to help them grow as well as sunlight - we can't wait to be able to taste them!

In the big garden this week we have been running around chasing the hula hoops that the adults have been rolling across the garden. we used both hands to grab them firmly, we asked the adults to do it again and again, we also had a go at throwing smaller rubber hops into the bigger hoops counting while we did this, for some the younger babies it's a great place to learn some new skills with walking!

Back in the nursery room we been practising our maths skills by
matching the colours and shapes on the puzzle while independently repeating the colour red and blue to the adults.

Well done babies, a great week - fingers crossed for sunshine next week!

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This week in Kindergarten the children have been interested in balancing! We have created lots of obstacle courses in the main garden and also on the decking. The children have used their problem solving skills to choose where is best to put the
balancing beams so they are safe to use and don't fall off the other obstacles. The children have been very good at putting their arms out to balancing or asking politelyfor help from an adult! We even used them as benches when we needed a little rest.

In the garden the children started to build a den. They helped hold the netting as a grown up clipped it up high. Once it was in place we were able to take cover from the rain and enjoyed adding extra loose parts to make it more fun.

We have a great new whiteboard and chalkboard outside in the garden. We madesome great marks with the big pens and chalks. We even used the chalks to create art on the floor and drew around our bodies. Even Holli had a turn and she was very big up to all the Kindergarteners!

This week we have used our creativity and created beautiful artwork using lots of different media. We used glue to stick different materials and used paintbrushes, blocks and even our hands to form different swirls and marks with the paint on the
paper. We finished our rainy week at Red Bus with a little trip to the park in our wellie boots. Fantastic!

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This week in Pre-School it has been full of excitement! There's been non-stop arts and crafts from dinosaur stamps to finger painting and hand prints! We have had play dough in the tuff tray to help us discover what shapes we can make and what to call them. We have had colourful water in the outside tuff tray to help our understanding of colours and explore mixed colours.

Inside the Pre-School room, we have been dressing up and playing dinner parties. We have also taken a large interest in Lego! We have been sculpting dragons, dinosaurs, towers and so much more with our new Lego. It has made Pre-School very imaginative!

We have also been learning about fossils this week. A few of our friends went out to the sandpit and started digging. We
found so many dinosaurs! We have taken another large interest in learning how to write out names so we have been sitting at the art table frequently tracing and learning the letters that are in our names.

The garden life has been amazing this week too. There is new chalk on the scene so we have been creating a little world of different designs! We even have a whiteboard outside too that we can practice writing on. Of course, we have been running around and playing football with our friends and we have even started to learn how to zip our coats up independently! Pre-School have been so eager to learn this week it has been brilliant, I hope you all enjoy your bank holiday and we will see you next Tuesday for another action-packed week!

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