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w/c 20th May 2024
This Week at Flax Bourton


This week at Nursery we have been very busy in the art area getting involved with lots of painting on bubble wrap which makes a great sound as you move the brush or hands across it! The adults encouraged us to place the paper down onto the bubble wrap to print the colours and patterns we had made, some of us were able to repeat words like 'pop' and 'paint' to the adults.

In the tuff tray this week we have had a variety of activities to get involved in one was gloopy sand with sea animals to explore, the adults encouraged us to have a go showing what fun it is to rub your hands through and up we were fascinated watching the gloop pour down the adults hands.

Outside in the big garden, we have been riding the bikes around the track again getting better at pedalling the more practice we get. Some of us have been independently walking around the garden for the first time. Back in the nursery room we like to spend time in different areas from the baby gym, sand land, and the cars and garage!

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This week in Kindergarten, the children have spent lots of time in the sand pit in the courtyard! We have also used our blue shell sandpit on the decking. The children have been busy building sandcastles! They filled the buckets with sand and patted the sand down so they could fit lots in and make it compact for the castle. The adults supported the children to turn the bucket over and then we patted the bottom of the bucket. We then counted down, '3, 2, 1, go' and revealed our wonderful sandcastles!

The children explored different ways they could mark make using paint in our tuff tray. We used hammers to stamp the paint onto the paper! All the hammers had different patterns on them and the children looked at the squiggly lines, zig zag lines and many more patterns the stamps made! The children also looked at the different coloured paints and were able to tell the adults what colours they could see!

Following on from the children's interests of colours, the children engaged in an activity to learn what happens when you mix paints together! With the adults support, the children painted their hands different colours and then rubbed their hands together to find out what colour the 2 different colours make. The children learnt that red and blue make purple and yellow and red make orange!

This week we tried dried fruit! The fruit was from our core book story this term, Handa's surprise. We have tried lots of the fruit from the story the past few weeks so we thought it would be exciting to try the fruit in a different way! Some of the children
were unsure of the dried fruit but other children thought it was super yummy. The children were shown the difference in fruit and dried fruit, supporting their understanding. During snack time, we have also been practicing cutting our own fruit with the adults support.

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This week in Pre-School it has been a fun-filled week! We have started off this week with playing out In the garden and sunshine, playing with the hula hoops and binoculars looking for different birds and insects. The mud kitchen is always a big hit for the children if it's sunshine or rain, they have enjoyed getting all muddy and making the wonderful mud pies.

Tuesday was Dinosaur Day, in the tuff tray there was a habitat of where dinosaurs may have lived many years ago! We role-played with the dinosaur in the sand with rocks and flowers. On the mark-making table, we created footprint pictures using dinosaurs!
Finally for Dinosaur Day we were dinosaurs in the garden! Chanel pulled a different dinosaur out of a hat and on the card it told us to Stomp like a T-Rex!

On Wednesday we had a lady come to visit us who works in a library, and she came to Pre-School to read us lots of stories. She made the stories really interactive with different voices, and interactive by asking us to move around like different birds. We really enjoyed "We're going on a Bear Hunt" because the lady didn't use words, she told us the story using sounds!

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