Nursery (6)

w/c 6th May 2024
This Week at Downend


This week Nursery have been enjoying the lovely sunshine outside on the rooftop garden. They have been fishing and catching different sea creatures in the water tray using nets. The children have been excited when catching them and showing the adults proudly!

Outside on the rooftop we have been doing some butterfly painting with sponges they have been using these to stomp onto our paper and create wonderful marks and mixing the colour points together.

In the art studio we have been doing bubble painting where we mixed together water, bubble bath, and paint! They used different shape cutters and placing this into the mix which they used to create marks. 

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This week in Kindergarten we have enjoyed the lovely sunny weathe!. We have been discussing the importance of looking after ourselves when we are in the sun. The adults explained that we need to look after our skin when outside, sun cream is very important along with sun hats. Drinking plenty of water helps us to keep hydrated in the warm too! Out in the garden, the children have enjoyed playing with water - another way for us to keep cool. In the big garden Kindergarten have been exploring the big bikes and playing. In the mud kitchen we used natural resources to make after collecting bark and leaves!

As the weather has been so hot the children have been laying in the play house in the garden where they have been selling ice cream - “Who wants ice cream!”

Inside where it’s a little cooler the children have enjoyed playing with the pasta, looking at the different shapes and colours.Lastly we have been talking about our emotions, we used the emotion stones to help us share how we feel, we also copied the facial expressions of the stones.

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This week in Pre-School we have had lots of fun making gloop! The children were very curious as to how to make it work, so the children patiently watched while the adult discussed the ingredients to mix together. 

Elsewhere this week a small group of children played SNAP! The children listen carefully to the rules, and showed great turn training and sharing with their peers. The children were very excited when they found a pair!

Other activities we have been exploring this week are, “how many ducks can we fit on the shapes”, hopping fun and making a book den!

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