w/c 13th May 2024
This Week at Downend


This week in Nursery we have been experimenting! We used pipettes to squeeze food colouring onto bread. We really enjoyed doing this with Chelsea, choosing different colours and finding out what squeezing slowly or really fast would do! 

Outside in the garden, we have been using spray bottles to make marks! We had an old bed sheet that we have now upcycled into a masterpiece. It was a bit tricky to hold the bottle and press the trigger, but with a helping hand from Helen, we managed it! 

Back inside we used the pipettes again, this time adding food colouring to ice cubes. The ice was a great new sensation for us to explore and allowed the adults to demonstrate lots of new vocabulary - cold, slippery, melting, brrr! 

Out in the garden we've been enjoying more of this amazing sunshine and playing in the water tray with our friends - SPLASH!

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This week in Kindergarten it's been all about mark making! We have been learning all about colours, and how we can mix them together - sometimes making a brand new colour! We have been exploring lots of resources to create with - paint, dry wipe marks, and chalk!

Together we used different surfaces to make our beautiful marks on. We used whiteboards, paper, and even the garden tarmac! This allowed plenty of opportunities to develop our vocabulary as we were able to use descriptive words.

In the garden it's been all about BUBBLES! There have been so many bubbles, we all had the opportunity to try blowing our own using the wand. We also loved chasing them around trying to pop them!

Back inside we had been looking at the flash cards, which really helped us to develop our communication and language skills. Sand play has also been really popular this week! The children enjoyed scooping up the sand and pushing the vehicles through the sand to see what marks it left! The dolls have been looked after by the children of Kindergarten - they were given lots of cuddles and food.

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This week in Pre-School we have been using our amazing imaginations in the sand tray! We used scoops and spoons to move the sand, working cooperatively with our peers and telling the adults "We're making a volcano!" We then talked about volcanoes do, and learned that they erupt with lava - wow!

In the art room, we spent lots of focused time creating beautiful artwork. Some of us chose to use the stamps, noticing the repeating pattern and intentionally filling the page up. We also had a go at some collage making, choosing from lots of resources such as pom poms, stickers and sequins! 

Out in the garden we had a go at making an obstacle course. As a group we talked about how to make it safe - is everything stacked securely? Will it wobble? We then had a go at walking along the trail, understanding that by spreading our arms out wide we could better balance across!

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