
w/c 13th May 2024
This Week at Coombe Dingle


This week in the Nursery room we have been making our very own orange juice! Our adult cut up the orange into halves and showed us how to use the juicer and then we had a go all by ourselves. We used our strong arm muscles to push down, noticing the juice collected in the bowl underneath. We had lots of fun making it and then got to try it - it tasted really good!

Out in the rooftop garden we had the parachute out and we all had lots of fun playing games and shaking the parachute up and down with our friends. We love the game 'Jumping Bean', hopping up and down and laughing!

We had fun in the tuff tray with water, we had different sea creatures and boats for a sea-themed tray! We picked up the different sea creatures and showed them to our adults, as well as using the containers to scoop and splash the water!

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This week in Kindergarten we have been exploring the ‘Monkey Puzzle’ book using character tiles and playdough! We also read the story together, we are starting to have a great understanding of the story and can predict what will happen next! 

We have also been printing with toy animal feet! We dipped their feet into the paint and printed their footprints onto the paper. We talked about the different footprints animals have, and counted up how many marks we had made on the paper! 

We spent time in the library this week. We read books together and turned the pages independently, and shared what our favourite stories are!

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This week in Pre-School we went to the front garden to work on our number recognition! Jigs had hidden numbers all around the garden and we were challenged to go and find them. We then traced over them with chalk, learning how the number is written! 

A group of us went to the top garden with Kelly. We looked at some of the differently shaped leaves in the top garden. Some are round, some are pointed, some are big and some are small! Kelly bought some tracing paper so we could create some leaf rubbings, and we were super proud of the end results.

We had a fun tuff tray to explore in the Art Studio, there were Pom poms, pebbles, tweezers, and colourful pebbles. Some of us tried using the tweezers to pick up and move the objects - their varying weights made this a great challenge for our fine motor skills!  

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